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Q: What do you call it the hairs on your arm stand up?
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Why do the hairs on your arm stand up when they come into contact with a balloon?

static electricity static electricity

What does it mean when the hairs on your arm stand up?

it means that ur cold and ur skin is trying to make u warmer

After turning off the television you approach it As you get close but not touching it the hairs on your arm start to stand up This is an excellent example of static charge built up by?

get dha h back duhh

What is another word for hairs on a dog's back?

when the hairs stand up on a dogs back they are known as Hackles

What is dead hair?

Dead hairs are the hairs that are curly and rough when touched and they stand up and can make your hair really messy.

Why do hairs stand up if body temperature is too low?

to keep the body warmer....

In order to warm the body up when cold?

the arrector pili muscles contract to stand hairs upright

How do you say stand up in Arabic?

Stand up means أقف in formal Arabic It's pronounced /akef/, a as in arm

What do you call people who stand up to bullies?

Many call them up standers.

What happens when arrector pilli muscles contract?

These are the muscles that make your hair stand up.... goose bumps, anyone?

Why do the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you pray?

because you are afraid god will know the sins you have committed and not answer your prayers. Our hairs stand on the back of our neck when we are frigthened. It is a defensive thing from instinct. Do you get afraid when you pray? Try to relax and teach your self that there is nothing to get alarmed about and it shoulld stop.

Why do we get goosebumps on our skin when we get scared?

Adrenaline stimulates tiny muscles to pull the roots of our hairs, thereby making them stand up on our skin.