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the arrector pili muscles contract to stand hairs upright

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Q: In order to warm the body up when cold?
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What happens to your body when you get cold?

I will come and warm you up

Is cold or warm air better for your body?

warm. because cold air causes ur muscles to contrast and it also doesnt take as long to warm up in warm as it would in cold

If you shiver on a cold winter night are you shivering from the cold or heat?

I believe your body is responding to the cold by shivering to warm you up.

Does relaxing your body help you warm up when your cold I find shivering makes me feel colder?

Relaxing your body will only make you colder,and shivering is your bodies response when it is cold and is ment to warm your body up a little.There is no way shivering can make your body colder.

Why do you think snakes curl up when it is cold?

They curl themselves up in order to stay warm.

When do you go to the toilet more often during warm or cold weather?

Because on hot day we need the liquids to get "colder" and on a cold day your body wants to warm up so your body expels all the fluids.

How does temperature affect metabolism or calorie burning?

Being cold will burn mroe calories as the body needs to warm itself up, but if it is too cold then the body will begin to conserve calories in order to stay alive. It is easier for the body to burn calories in warmer weather.

What provides the necessary warmth the body needs?

Since the human body is warm-blooded, Body heat comes from the environment, Unlike cold-blooded animals, Who maintain the same body temperature throughout their whole lives, if the environment is cold, the body will become cold and try to warm up and likewise with hot

Does your body warm up faster if you take your clothes off?

Think about it! If you are going outside and you put on heavy clothing and coat you are insulating yourself from the cold. Insulation retards the transfer of cold to your body. By the same token, if you are cold outside and wearing the same clothes and then go inside it will retard the warm from getting to your cold body (taking longer to warm up). So yes, if you remove the insulation (clothes) inside trying to get warm it will heat you quicker (faster). To sum up, it is the transfer of heat or cold, and the time it takes, that is affected by the insulation you wear, or not wear, and therefore whether you warm up or cool down faster.

Does drinking cold water really help you lose weight?

yes! when you drink could water it goes to the core of your stomach. When you drink the could water your body has to warm it up, because if your body heat goes under 180 degrises you will get hypothermia, so in order not to get hypothermia your body has to bern calories to to warm you up.

How your body attempts to maintain a constant temperature when you are in an extremely cold air- conditioned room?

sweating; i learned this from study island from science class, with Mrs. flannery.

Shivering when you are cold actually warms you up?

Yes, infact it does. When you shiver, your body recoginzes that you are cold and conserves heat to keep you warm.