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The people who remained loyal to Great Britain were Loyalist.

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Q: What do you call people who wanted to remain loyal to the british?
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Why did Benedict Arnold think James Lafayette would remain loyal?

Benedict Arnold thought James Lafayette would remain loyal to the British because he wanted to be free from slavery so was trustworthy to the British.

Are loyalist also british?

Not necessarily. A loyalist was an American colonist who wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain.

What did the loyalist beleve?

A loyalist wanted to remain loyal to England, they did not support the American Revolution and some fought along side the British Regulars.

What did you call colonists that wanted to remain loyal to great Britain?


Why did Americans wanted to Remain Loyal to Great Britain?

They felt they can be taxed since they were still British citizens and they shouldn't get all worked up about it. They were paying sort of like a sales tax.

Why did some colonist remain loyal to the British crown?

NovaNet Answer: They feared a destructive war.

What the loyalists wanted?

the king to rule them

What was the definition of a loyalist during the revolutionary war?

A person who wanted the colonies to remain part of the british empire

Who are the loaylists of independence?

if your talking American history the loyalists were the group of "Americans" that wanted to remain loyal to the crown (the british empire/England) and not become and independent nation, while the patriots wanted to break from the crown and create the united states of America

Why were the patriots and the loyalists arguing?

Although both parties were Americans, loyalists wanted the colonies to remain loyal to the British, while patriots wanted to split from the empire and have the colonies become their own nation. The patriotic fought the British in the American Revolution, while loyalists served as spies against the patriots.

Who where the loyalists in the revolutionary war?

The loyalists were the people who wanted to remain loyal to the British King and to Britain itself. Although many school books do not mention it (it's much nicer to paint the colonist rebels as the 'true' representatives of colonist feelings) the truth is that the rebels were initially only a minority of the colonists and most of them had no desire to make a break with Britain.

What did the rebels call people who remain loyal?

In the American revolutionary war, the people who remained loyal to the king were called Loyalists or Tories.