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They are called punctuation marks.

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Q: What do you call periods exclamation points and question marks?
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Related questions

Can you use periods and question marks with exclamatory sentence?

No, you would use an exclamation point.

Should question marks be placed before or after exclamation marks?

Question marks should be after exclamation marks

When using direct quotation in your writing what should be placed outside the set of quotation marks?

Punctuation marks such as periods and commas should be placed outside the set of quotation marks. Question marks and exclamation points should be placed inside if they are part of the quoted material, and outside if they are not.

What are punctuation characters?

These are characters which are neither letters nor numbers, but are used in sentences to provide structure and make text more readable. These include periods (.), Commas (,), Question marks (?), and exclamation points (!).

What do you use at the end of a sentence?

punctuationlike...periods .commas ,question marks ?exlamation points !

When using direct quotations in your writing which of the following should be placed outside the set of quotation marks?

In dialogue, periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points go inside quotation marks. (A semicolon goes outside quotation marks but isn't used much in dialogue, so you don't need to worry about it.)

Where did exclamation marks and questions marks get their names from?

Question mark is thought to originate from the Latin quaestiō meaning question. Exclamation mark is also thought to originate from the Latin exclamation of "joy".

What are the puncatuation marks?

Punctuation marks are symbols used in writing to organize sentences and provide clarity to the reader. Common punctuation marks include periods (.), commas (,), question marks (?), exclamation points (!), and apostrophes ('). They help convey meaning, tone, and structure in written language.

Do question marks go after period?

question marks do not go after periods. .!

How do you end a statement?

A statement is a declarative sentence, and it ends with a period. Other kinds of sentences are questions, which end with question marks, and exclamations, which end with exclamation points.

Can exclamation marks be followed by question mark?

Yes, it is possible for an exclamation mark to be followed by a question mark in the same sentence, but it certainly depends on the context. The exclamation would have to form part of the question.

Can a haiku end with a question mark?

Traditionally, haikus do not end with punctuation marks, including question marks. Haikus typically consist of three lines with a specific syllable pattern (5-7-5) and focus on capturing a moment or feeling in nature. However, modern haikus may bend these rules for stylistic effect.