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Q: What do you call the consumers that directly feed on producers and get greater amount of energy?
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Less sunlight would likely result in fewer producers. A decrease in producers would cause greater competition among consumers for the decreased food supply.

Which has greater total amount of energy available the duckweed cattails and other producers of pond ecosystem or the frogs minnow and othe consumers of the ecosystem?

The producers in an ecosystem such as duckweed cattails have the greater total amount of energy. This is because they produce their own energy.

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tertiary consumers

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producers and consumers

Which organism in the food web receives the least amount of energy from the produces?

Tertiary consumers receive the least amount of energy from producers.

What happens to the amount of energy as it passed from producers to the first order consumers then to the second order consumers?

90% of the energy is lost every time something is consumed.

Which organisms in this ecosystem would you expect to have the lowest population?

Tertiary consumers receive the least amount of energy from producers.

What is the ratio of third order consumers to producers?

It depends on the environment that you are planning on deriving this data from. But normally there will always be at least three times the amount of producers vs. third order consumers to support enough energy throughout the trophic levels.

Could producer survive without consumer?

producers cannot survive without consumers because the amount of producers would go up and they would finish their food and then die of starvation.

Where is the most energy in the pyramid?

The producers are found at the bottom. They contain the most amount of energy and the energy is transferred to other organisms in the food pyramid. [Consumers].

What controls the rate of diffusion?

The rate of diffusion is directly related to the concentration of gradient. For example, the greater the amount between the concentration of the areas, the greater the greater to difference in diffusion.

What determines how many producers can exist?

The food chain. The primary consumer eats the producer, and the secondary consumer eats the primary consumer. Well, If there is a large amount of secondary consumers, then that means that they'll eat all of the primary consumers. With very little primary consumers, then that means that more producers exist. It all depends on the ecosystem, and the food chain or food web within that ecosystem. I hope this helped!