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Q: What do you call the division between night and day?
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What do you call the boundary between day and night?


Am night or day time?

Dusk is between day and night. Not really day, but not night either. Some also call it twilight.

What is the line between day and night called?

The line dividing illuminated areas from night areas is called the terminator.

What time of the day do you call night?

The period from sunset to sunrise is usually referred to as "night."

If the earth did not have an atmosphere temperature extremes between day and night?

if the earth did not have an atmosphere temperature extremes between day and night would be what?

What is the time called between dusk and dawn?

Twilight is the half-light in the evening between day and night. Dawn is the half-light in the morning between night and day.

What Muslims call the night when Muhammad saw receive his first revelation?

It was not night but day and this day was first day of prophet-hood of prophet Muhammad saw .

What is the origin of the idiom 'to call it a night'?

It is a corruption of the much more common 'to call it a day'.If you were doing a day's work and completed the required work early, it makes sense to call it a day.

How hot is the moon during the day?

Temperature fluctuates between day and night dependent on the moons position. Roughly you can say between +/- 150 C between night and day. See the related link.

How does the temperature of pavement compare between day and night?

The pavement absorbs and releases heat in the day and only releases it at night. Therefor it is cooler at night.

What do you call the night before?

The eve, e.g. the night before New Years Day is New Years Eve.

What is the time between day and night called?

twilight :)