

How hot is the moon during the day?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Temperature fluctuates between day and night dependent on the moons position. Roughly you can say between +/- 150 C between night and day. See the related link.

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Why does the moon get so hot in the day and so cold at night?

The moon gets hot during the day because of the sun's rays hitting it. The moon gets cold at night because there is no atmosphere to hold in the heat from the day.

Why does the moon get so hot during the day and so cold at night?

During the day the sun is out and shines on the moon, but at night the sun goes down, therefore the moon is dark when the sun is down.

Is the moon hotter then the earth?

the moon has no atmosphere so it does not regulate it's temperature. It gets incredibly hot during the day and incredibly cold during the night.

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There is no name of the moon during the day, it simply remains the moon.

Why is the moon hot during the day and so cold at night?

During the day, the surface temperature averages 107°C, and during the lunar night, it averages -153°C. How is the moon going to be hot during the DAY, if the moon comes out at night? Since the Moon and the Earth are approximately the same distance from the Sun, they receive sunlight of the same strength. So the temperature of the Earth and the Moon should be the same. It is the Moon's lack of atmosphere that creates such extreme temperatures. The Moon doesn't have an atmosphere to absorb sunlight like the Earth does, and so the surface gets very hot. The Moon's lack of atmosphere also lets heat escape during lunar nights so that it gets rather chilly on the surface!

How hot is Earth's moon?

During the day it can rise to 107 degrees C and at night it can dip down to -153 degrees C

What is the tematru of the moon?

the temutre of the moon is really hot in the day and so cold at night.

Is it hot on Mercury or cold during the day?

very hot during the day as it is the closest planet to the sun =]

Can the moon be out during the day?


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Does the moon have a more moderate climate than earth?

No, as the moon has no atmosphere the temperature changes on the moon vary to extremely hot during the lunar day to well below freezing during the lunar night. Well more extreme than the temperature changes we see on Earth.

See moon during the day?

I see the moon during the day often, except on cloudy days. I enjoy looking at the moon. its very pretty and light has nothing to do with it.