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Q: What do you call the individual clouds that are dark with even bases and white fluffy tops and bring rain?
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What is a Cumblus cloud?

fluffy clouds they form low in the sky and can bring short, heavy showers. Some grow into tall dark clouds that bring very heavy rain

What is a description of a Cumulus cloud?

Fluffy clouds. They form low in the sky and can bring short, heavy showers. (Some grow into tall dark clouds that cause heavy percipition, e.g rain)

What kind of weather does a cumulues cloud bring?

Cumulus clouds typically indicate fair weather. They are fluffy and white with a flat base and appear during stable atmospheric conditions. However, they can develop into cumulonimbus clouds, which bring thunderstorms and potentially severe weather.

What is a cummulus cloud?

Cumulus clouds bring fair weather, with a hint of gray in their flat bases. They can possibly grow into cumulonimbus clouds, which bring heavy rain, thunder, and lightning.

What do stratus clouds do?

Stratus clouds bring, small amounts of rain. I may be wrong but I have a test on Clouds tomorrow so I should know. And for you information stratus clouds look like a long, fluffy, blanket, and are usually are gray. So when you see stratus clouds you MAY have rain. Like I said I can't promise you that every stratus cloud will bring little rain. So if you'll be walking on a day stratus clouds will be out, bring a umbrella, just in case. Date 9/4/12

What clouds are larger and darker on the bottom and produce thunderstorms?

Clouds that are dark on the bottom are likely cumulonimbus clouds. That word comes from cumulus and nimbus. Cumulus means light, or fluffy. They're the kind of clouds you look for shapes in. Nimbus means rain. So, fluffy rain clouds is a rough translation. Cumulonimbus clouds bring rain, and possibly a tornado if you live in that area. It might be a heavy rain or a harsh thunderstorm. Just get inside as fast as you can!

Beside tornadoes what type of weather does status clouds bring?

You mean stratus clouds? Stratus clouds can bring rain but not tornadoes.

What type of clouds bring drizzling?

stratus clouds

What type of clouds bring thunderstorms?

rain clouds

Clouds that bring thunderstorms are?

cumulonimbus clouds

Do cumulonimbus clouds bring hail?

Many cumulonimbus clouds do bring hail, but most don't

Do Clouds bring air?

No -- they bring rain.