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They are Opponents.

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Q: What do you call the people that are debating against each other in a debate?
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What is the importance of debate?

To argue legally and importantly without beating the crap out of each other. For a more common use of debating, please refer to the debating clubs of schools, or see "Politics".

Is debating a sport?

No it doesnt seem like a sport to me. to me a sport is something that takes coordination and physical ability and debating basically is just arguing with other people

What did James Madison and the delegates debate on when they met in Philadelphia?

When the delegates and George Washington and some other important people met in philadelphia they were debating what to do with the article of confederation and how to make it better when James Madison came with the plan that they should have 3 branchs of government how we have today and to abolish the Article of confederation.

What is a formal contest in which speakers on both side of an issue argue against each other?


Can arguing be considered debating?

Arguing can be considered debating if it has facts behind it or someone is trying to make a point. However, debating turns into arguing when name calling and other put downs are being used and there are no points be made, just yelling.

Debate on Competition kills for and against?

Not necessarily. Sometimes, competition encourages people to try to come up with new ideas to beat others. Other times, it can kill creativity, but if you know the right way to be creative, you'll be rewarded.

Do they still debate in Afrikaans in the South African parliament?

At times Afrikaans is used in South African parliament, however English is the major language that is used. (The other official languages also do come up while debating in parliament. South Africa is a very diverse country with 11 official languages, and many have been used in parliament, however they are often used to make a point/emphasis a point and the debating is done in English)

How many people watched the presidential debate?

70 million. It was the most watched Vice-Presidential debate in history. In fact, it had more viewers than any of the other 3 presidential debates.

Why do you think Mary imprisoned elizabeth in tower?

It is the other way round, Elizabeth 1st of England imprisoned Mary, Queen of Scots, in the Tower of London. However, to ask why she did this, is in debate, as many people could argue over that is was because Mary was plotting against Elizabeth, or the other way round.

What do you call someone who is bias against people of other ethnic groups or races?

A person who is bias against people of other ethnic groups or races is prejudiced.

What is the difference between a political debate and a scientific debate?

A political debate involves discussions and arguments centered around policies, ideologies, and interests, often driven by subjective opinions and emotions. On the other hand, a scientific debate focuses on empirical evidence, research findings, and logical reasoning to support or refute hypotheses or theories. Scientific debates prioritize objectivity and peer-reviewed evidence, whereas political debates may involve more emotions, personal beliefs, and values.

The study conducted by Fein on perceptions of a political debate focuses on?

The influence of other people's reaction on viewers' perceptions of candidate performance.