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Q: What do you call the spreadsheet cell that is in effect and has a heavier black boarder around if?
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What do you call the spreadsheet cell that is in effect and has a have your black border around it?

Active cell

What is difference between linking and embedding a spreadsheet in a word document?

If it is linked then when the data in the spreadsheet is changed, that change will show in the Word document. If it is embedded, then changes in the spreadsheet will not have any effect on the figures in the Word document.

What allows you to use Excel to change one or more values in a spreadsheet and then assess the effect those changes have on the calculated values?

The ___________ allows you to use excel to change one or more values in a spreadsheet and then assess the effect those changes have on the calculated values.

Why do astronauts feel heavier during launch?

Astronauts feel heavier during launch because of the upward motion of the spacecraft. This has the effect of adding extra "g's," or gravity forces, making everything seem heavier while the thrust is occurring.

What effect does the insertion of rows at the top of a spreadsheet have in excel?

It will push down all rows below it, renumbering them and changing the formulas as necessary.

What effect does boiling the plant material on catalase activity?

it will be heavier and it will turn different colors. Also it will decrease the rate

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Bigger cc = bigger motor = more power. But also heavier bike.

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All the bones in males are heavier than females, including the pelvic bone. This is due the effect of male hormone called as testesterone.

Will your period become heavier then normal if you take Advil one month and not the next?

No, your period will not become heavier than normal if you take Advil one month and not the next. Taking Advil will not effect your periods in this way.

Why does a heavier person slide down a hill faster than a lighter person when on a snow tube?

because the heavier person has more initeria and therefore the forces that would slow the slider down i.e friction, wind resistance, whatever, have less effect on a heavier person that a lighter person

What is the human error rate of an Excel spreadsheet for 194 columns and 471 lines?

> columns = 194 > lines = 471 > spreadsheet = columns * lines > spreadsheet [1] 91374 > > #Assume a number of keystrokes per cell > cellsize = 12 > spreadsheet * cellsize [1] 1096488 > > # Data entry error rate per cell may range from 10^1 to 10^4 > # > spreadsheet/10 [1] 9137.4 > spreadsheet/10000 [1] 9.1374 > # If we assume that keystrokes consist of 50% digits and 50% command characters > # Incorrect syntax in command characters will be detected automatically > # Correct syntax that was intended to express a different command will not be > # Taking 65% as the combined effect of digit and syntactically correct command > # errors > 9.1374 * .65 [1] 5.93931 > # or approximately 6 to 60 per spreadsheet

Is this a cause or effect where folks had to walk around her?

yes it is an effect