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Q: What do you call theprocess in which water vapour becomes water?
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Why do you call water in its gaseous form as water vapour not as water gas?


When water is gas it is call?

When water is in the form of a gas, it is called water vapour.

What do you call process when the water vapour changes inti water?


What do you call water when it turns into gas and goes into the air?

water vapour or steam

Is there a tree call a vapor tree?

No there is no such tree, but the tree may have water on it that the sun evapourates it. water vapour.

When water is heated and evaporates you call it steam In this state H2O is a?

When water is in the vapour form of steam, it is in a gaseous state.

What do you call when solid is changed into gas?

sublimation. for example when camphor is heated at atmospheric pressure it will not melt but get sublimed into vapour phase. similarly it is possible to sublime ice into water vapour without converting into liquid-water by applying very low pressure.

How do you call the process when water vapour rises up and cools down to form clouds?

Evaporate x

What do you call gases that are good absorbers of outgoing radiation?

Greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, etc.

Why does water vapor condense?

The air needs to be cooled, the amount depending on how much water vapour is in it. When it's cooled sufficiently the water vapour will condense on solid things as water, or become very small droplets (fog/cloud). When this happens in the early mornings we call it dew, and the temperature at which the water will condense is known as the dewpoint.

What do you call when water vapour turns into water?

It's called condensation. ( say: kon den sashun ) or: condensating! ( say: kon, den, ssate ing )

What do you call a process when water vapour becomes a solid?

Water Vapour cannot immediately become solid, first it has to condense into a liquid as it drops below a temperature of 100 degrees centigrade, once it has dropped below a temperature of 0 degrees centigrade it then undergoes a process called freezing which is it condensing into a solid state. It is also the only known compound which is less dense in it's Solid State than in it's Liquid State