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Q: What do you called an organ where food substances are formed?
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Which organ mixes food wih special substances to make chyme?

The stomach mixes the food with enzymes and acid to break down nutrients and the mixture is called chyme. So the answer is the stomach.

What is the presence of harmful substances in food called?

bacteria (i think)

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What organ is into the first part of the small intestine where bile and other enzymes mix with the food as it comes out of the stomach?

This organ is called the duodenum.

The movement of food substances up and down the stem of a plant?

It is called Translocation.

Why does most of the food you eat need to be digested?

All food contains complex substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The body cannot utilise these substances in their complex form. The food consumed is broken down into simpler substances by a procedss called digestion. The digested food can be easily absorbed by the body.

What is called digestion?

The breakdown of complex components of food into simpler substances is called digestion.

The energy stored in substances such as food and fuels is called nuclear energy?

No, this is chemical energy

What is the process in which food is broken down into simpler substances called?

Digestion is the process of breaking down food into simpler substances. Digestion is of two types: mechanical or physical digestion, and chemical digestion.

What is the internal organ system called that breaks that breaks down food?

gastrointestingal system (GI)

What sac like organ converts food into a semi liquid form called chyme?

The Stomach

What muscular organ squeezes food into chyme?

The stomach mixes food, swallowed saliva, and gastric juices into a substance called chyme.