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Atmospheric density would be a factor affecting the number of impacts on a planetary body.

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Q: What do you conclude if a planet has few impact craters of any size?
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What do we conclude if a planet has few impact craters of any size?

We conclude that something must be renewing or eroding the surface.

What do you conclude if a planet has few craters of any size?

Its surface is relatively young and therefore that there are internal mechanisms that are or have been recycling the surface.

When meteors or other objects stike the moon what do they create?

Impact craters. The size of the crater is related to the speed of the impact and the size of the object.

What are the wholes in the Moon's sufrace caused by?

By "wholes" I assume you mean craters. Most of the moons craters are caused by meteorite impact of varying size.

How do craters occur?

Craters occur when flying objects in space crash onto a planet. Then, depending on the size of the crater, a large depression-like hole will form.

The planet that is most compared to the moon?

Mercury. Both are approx the same size, and both are covered with craters.

How could the craters on venus be described?

The craters on Venus vary in size and shape, with some being large and circular while others are more irregular. Due to the planet's thick atmosphere, many craters appear eroded or partially filled in by volcanic activity. Overall, Venus's craters can provide important insights into the history of impacts and geological processes on the planet.

What does the craters on mercury look like?

Craters on Mercury vary in size from small to large and can have different shapes, with some showing central peaks or flat floors. They typically appear as circular depressions on the surface of the planet, formed as a result of impacts from asteroids or comets. The craters are surrounded by raised rims and ejecta blankets composed of material thrown out during the impact event.

What causes impact?

Asteroids, meteorites or comets are impactors that form impact craters on the Earth and other bodies throughout the solar system. Obviously, the Earth for instance, has to cross an impactor's orbit or vice versa. The size of the impactor hitting the Earth depends on the type of crater that can occur and also the other factors- · the velocity of the impactor · composition of the impactor · composition of the target rock · the strength and porosity of the impactor · angle of impact · gravity of the target planet For more on craters try-

Does the moon have a lot of craters?

Yes. This is because the moon has no atmosphere, bodies such as meteors do not burn up like they do on Earth. Because of this, these bodies hit the moon in their full size and, due both to the size of the body and the speed at which they are moving, they leave craters upon impact.

How does a planet's atmosphere affect its number of impact craters?

A planet's atmosphere can affect the number of impact craters by helping to slow down or break apart incoming objects, reducing the number of impacts. A thicker atmosphere can offer more protection from impacts compared to a thin or no atmosphere. Additionally, an atmosphere can erode or cover up existing craters over time, potentially reducing the visible number of craters on the surface.

What can you infer from studying the dpths and diameters of craters on the moon?

By studying the depth and diameters of the moon's craters, an impact specialist could determine the size of the object that hit the moon, give a good estimate of the velocity of the object, and approximate where it originated from in the sky.