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after that u drink the water then u sleep then the guy finds u

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Q: What do you do after you cook and eat the fish on club penguin?
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How do you get the fish to eat on club penguin?

you fish them the you eat them

What do you do after you eat the fish in club penguin?

i think you just eat it and then you get points

How do you get a fluffy fish on Club Penguin?

There is no such thing as a 'fluffy' fish on club penguin. However, if you mean 'Mullet' the big red fish, you simply catch a normal fish but you do not put him in the fish box. You dangle him in front of Mullet and then he will eat the fish.

What do you do after you get the fire started on Gs secret mission on club penguin?

you take the pan that you found, fill it with water from the river, catch the fish from the river, cook the fish with the fire, and eat the fish. you will then fall asleep. someone will come rescue you then.

What do you do with the fish on mission two for club penguin?

Eat it.of course! it keeps you alive.

In Club Penguin how do you eat popcorn?

You cant eat the popcorn on club penguin

How do you get a fish on aqua grabber club penguin?

get a worm and the fish will bite it if you want to catch the big fish get fish beside the big fish the big fish will eat it

In club penguin in ice fishing can you catch the shark?

no you cant cause it will eat the bait or fish on your hook. that is my theory

Does the fairy penguin eat fish?

Yes the fairy penguin does eat fish. Then it stores the fish in it central gut.

Who do penguin eat?

they eat fish

How do you get past the big orange guard fish in your submarine on Club Penguin?

get the mullet fish to eat a fish on ur fishing line, instead of bringing the a fish above a water line give it to the big mullet fish to eat! karatepro101

Were do you put the last flashing red thingy on club penguin?

You catch a yellow fish and leave it there so the mullet will eat it.