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you go to the store and get a broken mirror.then go to the telescope and signal a raft.

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Q: What do you do after you read the document in the blue light in skullduggery?
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What do you do after you give the chicken to the farmer on Skullduggery Island?

Take the blue candle and go right, to the governor's house. You can use the candle to read a faded document.

How do you get the blue light on Skullduggery Island?

To read the document at the Governor's house, you need a blue candle. Get the doubloon under the right side of the bridge, buy some feed at the store, and give it to the boy with the chickens outside. He will give you a chicken. Give the chicken to the farmer (right of the bridge), he will give you his blue candle.

Where do you point the mirror on Skullduggery Island?

When you have used the blue candle to read the document at the governor's house, a raft will appear in the telescope view. It is the woman's long-lost husband, and he will come ashore with the raft after you signal with the mirror.

What do you do after you signal the boat on Skullduggery Island?

Once you have read the document for the governor, you can use the mirror to signal the raft. It will come ashore at Fort Ridley.

What do you do after you give the farmer the feed on poptropica in skulldugery island?

He will give you one of his chickens, and you can give that chicken to an old person to the right to eat the bugs and pests in their garden. They are so grateful they give you a blue candle, which is all they have. Bring the blue candle to the old govenor's house and use it. It turns out, the secret document they are reading can only be read under blue light! Congratulations, you now can set off to play Skullduggery island.

What do you do after reading the message on Skullduggery Island?

Once you have used the blue candle to read the governor's document, you can use the borken mirror (in the general store) to signal from the tower. Instead of a pirate, you will see a raft, as the woman's lost husband is finally returning home.

What do you use the blue candle for on Skullduggery Island?

At the Governor's Mansion (far right), you use it to read the faded writing on an old parchment.

Where do you use the blue candle on Skullduggery Island?

Go to the Governor's house to the right of the farm. He has an old parchment that has faded and can only be read under the blue light. Once you have read the parchment, you can use the broken mirror (upper right shelf in the general store) to signal ships at the telescope atop the fort. Until you read the parchment, only pirate ships appear.

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How do you get into the house on Skullduggery Island?

The only house you enter is the governor's (right side of Fort Ridley). You should acquire the Blue candle before you go, as it will let you read a document he has. (Get the doubloon under the right side of the bridge, buy feed, feed chickens, take a chicken to the farmer.)

What do you do after you read the faded text on Skullduggery Island?

After you use the blue candle to read the docment at the governor's house, a raft will appear in the telescope on the tower. You can signal to it using the broken mirror found in the general store.

How do you find the signal on Skullduggery Island?

There is a broken mirror on the shelf in the general store. Once you have read the whole document at the governor's house, you will see a raft through the telescope. Use the mirror to signal to it.