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Q: What do you do i do if my koi carp has jumped out the pond and damaged his scales?
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How big do Koi Carp grow?

a koi carp can grow as big as a pond

There was a frog on a log in a pond where was he when he jumped?

In the pond. (If he jumps, he lands in the pond.)

Can small koi carp be in same pond as larger carp?

Yes, they won't bother them.the Carp and Koi are among the same family and are scrap eaters. they dont eat other fish, they eat the scraps they find to be tasty in the bottom of the lake or pond. this is why most people dont recommend eating them

Can you keep koi carp in tanks?

Yes, until they outgrow them. Then put them into an outdoor pond.

What in the pond depends on a rams horn snail?

Large insects, carp, and frogs. ( if pond is used as a bird bath also then birds are included)

What to do to get black algae out of pond with fish in it?

they flack off the scales

Do minnows grow up to be carp?

Depends on the definition of "carp". Your garden variety pond minnow is of family Cyprinidae, which is the family of carp. So you could say it was born a carp. On the other hand, there are over 2000 species within Cyprinidae. Some are called "carp", some are called "minnows", and one does not become the other.

If you place carp in a pond that has dye in it can they survive?

We have several ponds and would like to put carp in them to keep the algae down. However we also have dye in the ponds for color. so was just wondering if the carp would survive with the dye in the ponds.

Should you put a fresh water carp in the koi pond?

you can its just like this it wont stop growing

Is a grass carp a herbivore carnivore or omnivore?

Carp are omnivores. They will eat decaying plant and animal matter from the floor of the river, pond, or other body of water that they inhabit.

Is it wise to eat a carp that was caught in a pond?

Carp is entirly edible and some say it is very good as long as you gut it properly, in Canada and most of usa you can take home carp. in north America i don't even think there is a quota... but check

Can you keep coi carp in pond with other fish?

Koi carp are essentially pond fish (they were bred to be broad backed and colourful from above for pond viewing). They are omnivorous and like most other fish will eat any fish small enough to fit in their mouths if they are hungry. Match sizes and all should be OK. Remember Koi grow to over 24 inches long.