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Contact your state social services and make an appt. to apply for Medicaid. It is also possible that in your community there are clinics which will accept patients who have little or no financial resources. The DFS (social services) will be able to aid you in finding medical help. It is very important for your health and your unborn child to seek prenatal care asap.

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Q: What do you do if you're pregnant with no income or insurance?
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Can you get Medicaid if you have insurance and get pregnant?

You can get Medicaid if you are pregnant, even if you have insurance, if you meet the other factors of eligibility including citizenship/alien status and limited financial resources.

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What supplemental insurance for pregnant woman?

Supplemental insurance is a great thing for pregnant women to have, but you must apply before getting pregnant.Supplemental insurance will replace your income during your maternity leave, and pay additional benefits directly to you if you experience pregnancy complications, delivery complications, premature birth, accidents and/or illnesses.

What if you had insurance when you found out you were pregnant then lost your insurance can you qualify for medicaid?

You can get Medicaid when pregnant if you meet the eligibility requirements - principally, citizenship and limited income/assets. Medicaid can be backdated up to three months prior to the month of your application.You can get Medicaid even if you have insurance; however, your provider(s) must bill your insurance first, prior to billing Medicaid.

What does maternity insurance cover?

Maternity insurance provides income where you would normally experience a loss of it when you became pregnant. However, the frequency of your sexual activity should probably be a factor in your decision here.

How can you get health insurance if you have no income?

If you have no income, how you will pay the medical insurance premia ? To get medical insurance coverage, you are to show atleast some sort of income to convince the Insurance Company about your premium paying capability.