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get in a hole or a ditch of some sourt under something that more than likely wont crush you or fall down like a car

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Q: What do you do if you are caught outside during a tornado?
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If caught outside during a tornado with no shelter?

Find a deep ditch, lay in it.

What do you do when you are caught outside during a tornado with no shelter?

Get the the lowest place you can such as a ditch or depression and lie down. Cover your head.

What do you do do when you are outside during a tornado?

get in a ditch

Where should you go outside when a tornado occurs?

You should not even need to go outside during a tornado. Let's say you forgot something outside and a tornado is there. Should you go out? NO! Because it is very scary to go outside during a tornado. But you should gather your family together, and then go in a basement or closet. Try to keep safe.

Can a tornado keep you inside?

Considering that you shouldn't go outside during a tornado, yes. You are much safer inside.

Is bulkhead a safe place during tornado?

It probably would be as long as its on the lowest floor of your building. Generally speaking, the more walls you have between yourself and the outside during a tornado, the better.

How do you survive in a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar. If you do not have one go to an interior room or hallway, stay away from windows. A bathroom often provides good protection, especially if you lie down in the bathtub. Abandon mobile homes and vehicles for studier shelter. If you are caught outside with no access to shelter, lie in a ditch or depression. Do not attemept to outrun a tornado.

How do you survive a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar. If you do not have one go to an interior room or hallway, stay away from windows. A bathroom often provides good protection, especially if you lie down in the bathtub. Abandon mobile homes and vehicles for studier shelter. If you are caught outside with no access to shelter, lie in a ditch or depression. Do not attemept to outrun a tornado.

Is it safe to get in a lower laying ditch during a tornado?

If you are caught in the open with no shelter available that is usually the best option.

What happens outside a tornado?

Outside a tornado air gets pull inward rapidly.

What is the safest thing to do if your caught outdoors during a tornado?

If no buildings are around the best place to take cover is in a ditch or gully.

Is air pressure inside a tornado is lower than outside a tornado?

The air pressure in a tornado is lower than that outside the tornado. That is why the wind blows toward the funnel.