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Q: What do you do if you have a pet budgie bird and it does not know how to eat?
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What pet bird is the best?

Having a parrot is the best as it can say some words!

Where can you buy a bird in the sutherland shire?

Depending on the type of bird, but if you wanted a pet bird like a budgie or something like that, then you can by one from pic-a-pet in Kirrawee, which is next to Kirrawee train station.

Where can you get a budgie?

You can get a budgie at your local pet store (pet supermarket, petco, etc...)

How do you know how old is your budgie?

well when you would buy your pet budgie you would ask the pet shop keeper he/she should tell u all the details of ur budgie and should give u like a little receipt with all the info on your pet! x

What do you use for worming a budgie?

The medication used for treating parasites in a budgie will depend on what kind of parasite the bird has. It's not a good idea for pet owners to try to diagnose and treat the bird themselves. You should always consult an avian veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. The veterinarian will prescribe appropriate medicine and show you how to give it to your budgie.

What is the best breed of pet bird?

If your a beginner you might want to look into getting a parakeet (budgie) or a cockatiel.Both similar to handle and care for.

What do pet birds eat?

It depends on the bird, but they mainly eat seeds.

Can a pet bird owner get worms from their bird?

Yes but the bird most likely will not eat them. Domestic birds usually eat seeds.

What can you feed your budgie?

Bird seed you can get big or small bags from your local pet store. Also if you want to you can ask them what specific type will be the best for your little friend :)

Is this normal for your budgie?

Whether that is normal for your budgie will depend on what you are referring to. Budgie is a nickname for a budgerigar, a type of pet parakeet that is quite common.

How do you get your budgie to trust you so you can pet it?

Go to then go under My most popular links and click budgie information.Then click the budgie picture and scroll down and and under train your budgie there is hand training your budgie.It teaches you step by step how to hand train your budgie and therefore you can pet it.:)

What pet to get for a 9 year old?
