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Talk to that person and talk them out of it! :)

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Q: What do you do if you know a friend who is thinking about committing suicide?
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Do elephants ever think of committing suicide?

One can never know what another is thinking.

How can you help an 18-year-old that wants to commit suicide?

The best thing you can do for someone who is thinking of committing suicide is to be there for them. Listen to everything they have to tell you, and let them know that you are able and willing to help.If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, see the Related Questions below for ways to get help. There are trained, qualified counselors who are willing to listen and help you.

Did the inventor of the transmission commit suicide?

Oscar H. Banker is considered to be the inventor of the transmission as we know it today. He died in 1979 at the age of 83 and there is not mention of him committing suicide.

How do you commit suicide without being notice?

There shouldn't be a way to commit such an act like a suicide, without being noticed. We all have a life situation that seems impossible to deal with, and we think that committing a suicide is the only way out from those problems, but it is not. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, there are numbers that you can call from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-999-9999.

Why did the Devil make People Think of Committing Suicide?

People have problems and some people feel like there is no way out. The "devil" has nothing to do with it. Suicide is hard to understand and this is really true for the people that are left behind. The person who attempts or who is thinking about it needs help and understanding as well as counseling. If you know someone get them help. If it is yourself get help.

What cult committed suicide watching haley's comet?

None that I know of, but you may be thinking of Heaven's Gate, a cult that enjoyed a mass suicide in 1997, while Comet Hale-Bopp was in the sky. (And the comet you were thinking of is spelled "Halley".)

Is suicide infectious?

The idea of it may be but it certainly isn't a virus that you can get from being around someone. If you are around people who committed suicide or people who talk about suicide, try to get counseling. If your friend or someone you know wants to commit suicide, try to get them help as well. It is "contageous" in the sense that depressed people who see or hear of other people committing suicide will be more likely to want to commit suicide as well. That is one reason to resist the urge to commit suicide, since someone may want to follow in your footsteps and do it too. It is even worse when the person is very popular or influential. Someone may reason, "If it is good enough for ______, then it is good enough for me."

Why does the guy you like's friend stare at you?

Well since his friend likes you, his friend wants to get to know you to. He probably wants to see if he approves of the girl and see if it is right for his friend. Or maybe he is thinking about stuff that his friend told him about you so he is looking at you while he is thinking it.

Can someone with Peter Pan syndrome be suicidal?

anyone can be suicidal, if you or someone you know is thinking about suicide please call the Lifeline, a suicide hotline network at 1-800-273-TALK.

Is the motive for suicide always clearly evident?

No, very often there is no apparent reason for it. At least none that anyone other than the person committing knows and sometimes they may not really know why they do it.

Can you be sued for stopping a suicide?

Anyone can always sue you, so in theory yes you could get sued for stopping a suicide attempt. Though it is not likely that it will be a successful case, it is a controversial subject, someone could always try to sue you.

How do you know you are not dating your boyfriend just to have a friend?

If you see him everyday and you catch yourself thinking about him constentlty.