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I have went through this. All you have to do is be yourself, make her feel special, respect her/treat her nice, and if she still didn't like you she can still be a great friend of yours and you can hang out together.

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Q: What do you do if you told a girl you like her but she likes you as a friend?
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You tell him how you feel maybe it will work out!

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You should think about whether the girl or your friend is more important. Try talking to your friend feel about it and then make your decision.

So i like a girl and i don't know what to do because her friend told my friend who told me that she likes me and i don't know if she told her friend though?

Best thing to do here is talk directly to the girl you like and get a feel for the situation yourself. You can't play telephone in this situation, because something is bound to be miscommunicated.

What should you do if a girl tells you she likes you and you like her back yet your parents do not want you to have a girlfriend?

Ok look my friend has kind the same problem only with my friend he has a girl he likes but his mom doesn't want him to have a girl friend in till he is 16 this is what I told him and this is what will tell you wait that's all you can do is wait

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you dont need a girl like that...just find somebody else to admire.

How do you tell if a teen girl you like likes you or is just your friend?

just ask her if she likes you, say that someone told you that she did and you want to know if she does or not. if you dont want to say that then tell her you like her. hope i helped :)

Why should you ignore the girl you like to attract them having asked her good friend for advice was told to ignore her and that doesn't make sense to me unless she likes me. What do you guys think?

I think ether her friend likes you or she wants you to back off. I say ask the girl you like out and forget her friend Bro to Bro linkinpark97

This girl I like flirted with me alot I told her I like her and she said she only likes me as a friend she txted me 3 times asking if I hate her I txted her and she was exited Does s?

He like me?

Should the girl go and talk to the guy if he said he want to know the girl when a mutual friend told him the girl likes the guy?

ya sure, sounds like a good idea.

I was texting a girl and she asked me if i would go out with a boy i said yes she told the boy then the boy said a girl likes me and i like them too do you think he likes me?

It depends ask your friend if he said it seruously.if he did then maybe he does!

This girl and I are friends. We texted and became friends. She told me she thought of me and would look back at me when leaving. I recently saw her friend at work and she mentioned that her friend and her talk about me. Do you think she likes me?

Yes, because if she looks at you when you are about to leave, that is one thing. Also, if her friend at work told you that she talks about you then she probably does like you. At the mean time she may not like you because she can look at you when you leave, like to see if you're safe. Also, when you said that the girl's friend told you that she talks about you, then she can be talking about how nice you are, or how smart you are. That can be a sign of true friend, or she likes you.

Can somebody give me some advice im going out with a girl cause I like her but I don't know if she likes me back my friend told me that she did but im not that sure?

You should ask her if she likes you or not. Just say "do you like me?"