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Q: What do you do if your African land snail has not come out of its shell for at least 5 days?
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Snail has completley come out of shell?

snails never come completely out of there shell there shell might break so they can grow a new one. but a snail performs torsion in witch its body twist into the shell they create and can not leave there shell but can grow the shell bigger so there shell grows with them

Where does a shell come from?

A living aquatic creature such as a snail, clam, or mollusk.

Can you eat a snail?

Yes, but not your normal garden snail. A snail dish is call escargot and is a snail that is prepared with garlic and butter. The snails used in these dishes doesn't come from the garden but is fed oatmeal to clean them out and then they are removed from the shell, boiled, and put back into the shell for serving.

What continent does the worlds biggest snail come from?

The Giant African Land Snail is the largest snail in the world, and hails from Africa, hence the name.

Do snails come out of their eggs with a shell?

Baby snails do not find empty shells, in fact, they are born with clear, soft shells. The shells harden as the snail consumes calcium and they start with the egg shell they hatched from. The shell grows with the snail and the inner circle of the shell is the shell the snail was born with.

Why isn't my snail waking up?

d'ont worry , snails sleep a lot but if your still worried put water in the shell and you will see your snail will come out the shell Hope i helpt

How do you know if a giant African land snail is dead?

remove it from the tank in case of any germs it had and wash out tank quickly and be very sensible!It may be a sad time if a snail dies and it belongs to a young child 3-7 you may also find this sad is you are older 8,9,10 and over!

Do snails come out of their shells?

Snails do not shed their shell their shell is apart of their body. A snail shell will grow with the snail. I currently have 3 snails but in spring i hope they breed! I know they dont need to mate but the type i have do.. ;) i hope i helped good luck if u have a snail... ;)

Are barnacles crustaceans?

It has a shell but it is not a mollusk i.e. it is not a snail or a clam.

How do you make a snail move faster?

there are many different ways to make a snail go faster. one of these ways is to take a syringe, half a cup of coffee and a teaspoon of sugar. put the coffee and the sugar into the syringe and give the snail an injection. there is a scientific explanation that a snail's shell holds it down and makes it go slower. so you could just say, remove the shell. but the problem with that is the shell is the snails home. another way (which is really crazy) is to put a snail on a rocket and blast it out into space. but never do this to a pet snail for it may not come back down to earth alive.

Will a snail come out of its shell when it's dead?

In pieces yes, and the odor is most foul. If a snail remains unmoving for a couple of days and you still see a his shoe and wonder if he yet lives, simply pick it up out of the water and give it a sniff. It is unmistakable if it is dead. Snails grow their shells while crabs kill the snails for the shells or collect empty shells. As the snail grows so does it shell, where a crab must replace and upgrade its residence as it grows.

What does conch look like?

Its a closed, rounded shell, with an opening that if you hold to your ear, myth says you can hear the sea! :o)