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So, here we have a boyfriend who is controlling of you, but has made it clear he'll be terribly hurt if you leave him. What you have is a manipulative, controlling creep who is inflicting emotional blackmail on you. Ditch him, and don't look back.

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Q: What do you do if your boyfriend is controlling but you're scared of breaking up with him in case it hurts him?
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Very simply, you should not even try. A guy who has to be cohersed and prodded to go out with you is not worth having. Breaking up is hard and it hurts, but it is best just to move on.

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if you really love your boyfriend then you will know you have a feeling in you that hurts the most and its a feeling of love

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. It does mean that he doesn`t really care at all about how you feel, I suggest you should dicuss with your boyfriend about how he hurts your feelings. It also can mean that your relationship have come to an end....

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well, you should let him munch on the carpet if you know what i mean.

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make up an excuse for him to shave it?

What do you do if you love a guy a lot an want to be with him but he keeps hurting you because he scared?

Ask yourself why you want to be with a guy who hurts you and keep asking yourself that until the answer is "I don't." We have only your word to go on that he's scared. Maybe he hurts people because he likes hurting people.

What does it mean if your boyfriend said that if any of his friends talk or touch his ex he will beat them up and he is going out with you but he is checking her out?

You know the answer yourself, but it hurts to face the truth. Your boyfriend still cares about his ex and he's using both of you! He's controlling over her (scaring off a guy she may be interested in) and he's having you hang around as a second runner up so to speak. This guy sounds abusive and controlling and it would be to your best interest to tell him to take a hike. I know it hurts your heart, but this guy is REALLY not for you. Don't let any person (male/female) rule your life ... you are in charge of your own destiny. Good luck hon Marcy