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Go to the vetz!

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Q: What do you do if your cat cant open its eyes and red stuff comes out?
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What cant you do with your eyes open?

You cannot sneeze with your eyes open.

Why cant my bearded dragon open her eyes they are full of puss like stuff.?

You have answered your own question ! If they're '...full of puss like stuff' - that's an infection ! Take the poor thing to a VET for professional treatment !

What effects does herion have that makes it a downer?

Makes u sleepy. Knod out. Cant keep ur eyes open. Just chills u out. Benzis. Same stuff in valum

When happens if a puppy dont open its eyes within 12 days?

it cant see

Why cant Luu open his eyes?

Because he likes seeing the world in wide screen

Can you untwist your bellybutton to make it open and stuff comes out?

Yes, so don't touch it.

What character said this quote Young cat if you keep your eyes open enough oh the stuff you would learn The most wonderful stuff?

mr man

Why you can see with open eyes and not closed eyes?

Well you do see when you close your eyes, just that your eyelids block near enough all the light so you cant see yet you can, if that makes sense...

How come you can't sneeze with your eyes open?

because ur a "normal person." a few people in this world can sneeze with their eyes open, but most cant (watch mythbusters if you wanna know the truth i dont know the episode)

Why do the pupil in seniors eyes not open as wide as younger eyes?

cause younger people are more eager to know stuff but older people have seen ao many things in their life that they dont want to open their eyes anymore. its this or just that younger eyes are small and their pupils have to open more in order to see to the full potential of the human beings

Why are puppies eyes closed?

Puppies might get sore eyes because they have an eye infection. There may also be something in their eye from birth.

If your cat is sleeping and you open it's eye what is that white stuff?

When you close your eyes, they roll to the back of your head, the white is the eyeball.