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Well.. tell em to fk off.

honestly you cant let other people get into your situation let 'em make fun of you

just show 'em you dont care once they see that they'll stop

and who knows they might be making fun of you maybe cause they know something about the guy your crushing on liking you!

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Q: What do you do if your crush friends make fun of you because you like his friend?
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Do you get mad if someone tell your crush you like him?

it depends on who this person is. if its one of your friends, you might want to say something to them like "listen, i wanted you to keep it a secret. I dont really like that you told my crush that i like him..." dont get mad but if your friend does something like that again, consider what you tell your friend knowing that they might spill your secret. if its one of your crush's friends then your crush will probably believe a friend. If you didn't tell your crush's friend, find out who did.

What do you do if your best friend has a crush on your crush? would depend on who liked the crush the longest!! if your friend liked this person way before you did then you will hav to forget about him/her! if you liked him/her way before your friend did then that crush is yours!! truly my opinion wuld be to stay away from guys both of you friends like!! because your friend will always come before guys!!

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just tell them that you didnt mean it and that you like them as a friend

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i think you need to talk to your crush about your friends crush who has a crush you on you and your sister knows about your crushes crush who wont tell you who they're like TOTALLY crushing on but they want to but promised your crush they wouldn't tell you who their crush was because their mom wont let her date and her sister is only a year older but she's allowed its SOOO not fair omg like wtf, and my sisters crush doesnt even like her so omg like LAWLZ!

What would you do if you think your crush like's one of your friends?

Well, just show your crush and your friend that your a good person. And accept and be happy at the fact. (if its a fact) Your friend might be even jealous of you, or your crush might get tired of your friend, and go to you.

Have you missed your chance with your crush?

Well, this depends on alot of things. Often, a person can tell if they "missed out on their crush" when their crush starts acting like their just friends. For instance, if Sue has a crush on Bob, and Sue decides to be friends with Bob first, Sue could fall into the friend zone. To come to an accurate conclusion, basically decide if he/she starts acting like one of your common friends. Act like his friend.

You love him but he has a girlfriend and she is your friend?

I was in the same spot as you. When you like your friends boyfriend its difficult, DO NOT flirt with him, because he could go and turn to your friend, if it is just a crush try to ditance yourself, and ust be there for your friend. but if you think you really like him i would talk to your friend about it. BUt dont say somthing like "i have a huge crush on your boyfriend". think before you speak and what you think is best.

If your guy friend likes you and he knows who you like and he is friends with your crush who is younger and he says your crush doesn't like you is he just saying that to make me mad and go to him?

Most likely

What does it mean when your crush's friends play tricks on you?

They either like you too or don't want you to date their friend.

Why does the guy you like's friends look and smile at you?

Its because they know about your crush

If you like a girl that's your friend and her friends call out your crush what do you do to save your friendship?

You tell that person like it is and that you havefeelings for this girl!

What do I do if my best friend hates my crush?

Well, ask why he/she doesnt like your crush. i just had a friend go through a tough breakup after her friends tried to warn her about the guy she liked. Maybe he/she is warning you about him/her.