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Well it look like you and your crush are over - sorry.

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Q: What do you do if your crush wanted to date your best friend and your best friend wanted too?
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How do you adjust bearing crush?

Date there best friend.

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"Ask him out when your best friend dumps him." ^thats the last thing you should do! if your a friend, you don't grasscut your friend! never date your friends crush or ex!

What happens if you secretly dated your best friend's crush?

If you tell your friend then she would say ( WHAT ) If you don't tell your friend and your date knows that your friend have a crush on him, he might tell your friend that he has a girlfriend already.

What do you do if you date your crush but your best friend doesn't like him?

If the relationship has long term potential that has NO negative issues The friend would support you

What if your crush likes you AND your best friend?

Well what you have too do is think of what one you like best and the one you like best is the one you have too date .

What has Justin Bieber always wanted?

He had a crush on beoncaé and wanted to all ways wanted to date slenagomez

What happens is your crush refuses to work with his best friend and asks to work with you?

I would be happy. I would try to become his or her friend first than if he or her likes you start to date

Your best friend ditched you and dates your big crush and ignores him what do you do?

If my best friend ditches me for my crush , shes probably not my best friend. though i'd just confront and ask her why she did that and if the answer is good enough then I'll let it slide. then I'll tell her that i really like him. so you can date him when I'm done :] Girl codes come first before guys ! SIMPLE :]

What would you do if the guy who has a crush on you suddenly started dating your best friend?

Well if the guy who has a crush on YOU suddenly started dating your best friend, maybe you need to consider whether he liked you all that much in the first place, because surely if he liked you as much as you think he does then he wouldn't have started to date your best friend? but if that is the case, he ain't worth it and I'm sure you can do better.

What do you do when someone tells you they like you but then they date your best friend?

You do nothing. From what I gather from your question he must have thought you liked him or had a crush on him, so he was trying not to hurt you. The message here was "I like you as a friend, but nothing more". He feels differently about your best friend so he dates her. You are in the "friend zone".

How do you get your friend to stop dating your crush?

First of all you probably know that if they are happy you shouldn't break them up. However, I will give some advice. Keep notes( in your head!) of what your crush likes that your friend does or has. Try to get that, but don't get a copy or you will look like a pathetic copycat. Try to see your crush whenever you can WITHOUT looking or acting like a stalker. Speak to your crush when their "date" is not around, but don't be obvious you like him or talk to him alot. Make yourself unavailable: get a date for yourself. trying to make your crush jealous probably won't work, but if you still show interest in your crush "as a friend" your crush might fall for you. Tell your crush of something that your friend did that was not the best of choices, but DON'T lie or make it obvious that you are trying to get them apart. Maybe you can talk to your friend about "whether or not her date is the right choice for her," and suggest another person while not sounding like you want your friend's current date. Above all don't be obvious, keep your friend, and if you see that they are really perfect for each other, let them be, even if your heart breaks because you WILL get a new crush, someday at sometime. Hope this helped -f

How to deal with your best friend dating your crush who is somebody you have known all your life?

Tell your friend that its not nice to date the person who you like and have know forever, and you don't want to be friends if she/he is going to be like that!