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get them into the situation or topic for them to ask you out

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Q: What do you do if your friend tells the guy you like you like them and they say they like you back but they won't ask you out?
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What should you do if you and your best friend like the same boy?

Then Tell Your Friend That You Like Him First If She Says She Liked Him First Then Tell Her To BACK OF! Or You Wont Be Her Friend.

There is a girl in school that you really like does she like you back?

she wont nesseceraly like you back just because you like her..but you could get a friend you trust to descreatly ask her if she does.or go with your fealing,does she act like she likes you?

If you say hi to a boy and he says it back- does this mean he likes you as a friend?

no. it just means hi. he wont like you as a friend until he gets to know you a bit better.

Why wont a guy go out with you if he knows i like him and i keep asking him?

because is friends will think he is wierd if your all hippier or something and his friend tells every body why and if crushes there heart

How do you get your crush's girl friend to back off of me just for liking him?

you can say you like him but wont try anything because he is allready taken

How do you get him back when he wont even talk to you?

i got on my best friends myspace, pretending to be my best friend, requested him and everything, and started talkn to him.. when he said he reallyy like me(thinking it was my friend) i told him who it really was and we are back together.

How can you tell your friend and she will not tell the boy?

well you should ALWAYS tell the friend you trust the most. If you just tell any friend then she might just tell your crush that you like him. And if the friend that you trust tells him then she is not a great, trustworthy, or a true friend. Tell the people you TRUST!! That is the only way that he wont know.

Her husband is coming back How does she know it?

even if he seems like he wants you u wont know until he tells you ( watch The Game episode with kelly and Jason and how she thought she was gettin him back-when they was at court)

What if friend tells you to ask someone out and wont tell you y?

probably because they know that that person likes you and that you should ask them out

Why wont your friend invite you to her birthday party?

maby she is not your friend and uses you becase she like your stuff

What does that mean if a guy shows signs of liking you for two years after your friend tells him you like him?

he wont listen to your friend because all he really heard was "do you like""blank"he'll never know that you like him anyway then he'll start talking about you and eventually he'll start showing sighns thats when you know he likes you.

How do you get rid of a stranger who thinks he's a friend but in reality he's not a friend and he doesn't want to be rejected and follows you around and goes looking for you and then tells you?

You get a restraining order if they wont listen to you.