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Don't just TELL her, talk to her, get to know her. Maybe she'll start to like you too.

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Q: What do you do when you are scared to tell a girl you like them?
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What do you tell a girl if she is scared?

well, it all depends what she is scared of?

If you see a girl you like but you are scared to tell her what should you do?

man up and tell her the worst thing she could do is say no

How do you ask a girl out if your scared to do it your self?

You should be brave and ask her out like a man, but if you are really to nervous you can always tell a friend to tell the girl you like her. If she is interested in you she will start paying more attention to you.

How do i know if the girl at school that i like likes me please tell how to know?

Well i am a girl and you should just go up to her and tell her that you like her that's what we like promise.Well if she talks to you in a high voice that means that she doesn't know what to say to you and she is scared to talk to you.

This girl had her friend tell me that she liked me then like 10 minutes later her friend came back and said she didnt like me?

She probably got scared

How do you tell if a girl that has known you for years likes you but is scared to admit it?

Ask her.

You love this girl you think she is really pretty but you are scared that she will say no what should you do?

Tell her how you feel. If she doesn't like you in return, move on. If she does, then you are set.

Why would a guy tell a girl he likes her and not text days after?

Because he's shy :D and scared you don't like him back !

How do you ask out a girl on the phone?

just ask her dont be scared tell her that you would like to do something sometimes and that you just want it to be the two of you

How would a boy ask a girl out?

Unlike girls, guys actually go up to the girl they like and asks her out themselves. Some girls might be to scared to be rejected. I'm a guy who would be scared of that too. But I'm gonna find out about it anyway. Do whatever you like, but I'm always going to tell the girl I like that I like her. - The Slippery One :)

When you tell a younger girl you like her how can you tell the difference in her liking you and being scared of you?

That just depends on how much younger she is. She may not know if your serious or not and may be nervous and unsure.

How do you tell a girl you like her in a text message?

u should tell her face to face that is better then anything just dont come on 2 strong she might get scared