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First off NO SEX WITH HIM, Then get your self to a Doctor PRONTO!- most of the time when you confront your spouse of what they giving you they will " sometimes" confess to having a affair-- Your spouse need medical help also


All you can do is pray that your husband didn't transfer the transmitted disease to you. Go see a doctor to make sure that you are clean, otherwise hell will break loose. And after you have seen by a doctor, this is when you need to question your husband. And tel him that he needs to see a doctor or you will kick him out no question ask.

From my past experience, the woman that my husband had an affair for two months caught STD from her boyfriend. Instead of being concerned whether he caught STD, he turned around and told me that I also need to be seen. I wasn't surprised that my husband is not concerned, he knows that his mistress is a good christian, kind, and will never betrayed him.

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9y ago

If you think you have contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD), you should see a doctor immediately so that he can confirm the diagnosis and provide treatment. Many STDs can cause serious complications down the road if left untreated.

If you are sexually active and nonmonogamous, you should get tested for STDs regularly.

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I understand where you're coming from. However you want to answer the question does not matter. As long as you're no longer with your husband after he cheated on you.