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tell them to stop or youll leave and if they dont stop then leave..there is no reason to be in an abusive relationship...i dont understand how someone could love a person who does nothing but make them feel like crap

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Q: What do you do when you love somebody but it seems as if they don't care if they hurt u or not and how do you tell them to stop?
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I dont think so. Why does he hurt you everyday? It seems to me that he don't care at all... find yourself a better man who will treat you alot better If a man loves you he will NEVER want to hurt you.But be realistic, does he hurt you unintentionally or intentionally?Maybe he just doesnt know he is hurting you.But if he really acts this way and doesnt care than dont be with him. Why stay with someone who makes you unhappy?Thats just torturing yourself!

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Confront them about it and explain how it made you feel.