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You get help so somebody can help you talk trough thing's! Some people do have a sickness where they worry all the time so some people take medicine. But if worse comes to worse take a deep breath and hope for the best.

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1mo ago

Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to help calm your mind. Engage in physical activity or hobbies that help distract you from your worries. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to process your concerns and develop coping strategies.

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Q: What do you do when you worry all the time?
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I honestly dont know, but I worry all the time. Like ALL the time. And I absolutely hate it, and the worst part is it stressed me out and I cant control but I am thinking when I worry. And its not good to be stressed, its bad for your heart so DONT WORRY!!

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cats twich all the time. dont worry.

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your 13 your growing its normal don't worry it will soon go a way how soon i don't know but it will just give it time and don't worry your young its when u get old and have joint pain is when you worry

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Maybe it thought it was a tree? I see cats do that all the time and don't worry, they all get down safely.

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Depends where you are (were). Don't worry ... all over now.

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Just get a girlfriend, talk to girls and be yourself, and dont worry my boyfriend plays skyrim all the time :)

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i would say it depends how long he was with his ex, if it was a long time worry. however, if they were friends before they got into a relatiionship, i wouldn't worry

Is it a sign to cut things off with a girl if you worry all the time?

Yeah it is if you can't find someone you like and don't got a bad feeling and don't worrie then u good u worry all the time just end it because she won't keep you happy trust me

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There is no patron saint of worry.

Why was the constition written?

the constition was written so that we had laws and so people not have to worry about bad people all the time

Should you worry about your audition?

No. Don't worry about pressure. It's nothing to worry about unless you didin't get the part you wanted. Though that's not even a big problem, so don't cry about that, you can keep trying all the time. So keep trying!!!