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If a turtle has outgrown its tank, it will of course need a bigger tank. Expecting a turtle to stop growing only leads to malformed bones. Because many commonly kept turtle species grow so large, it's best to start out with a 55-75 gallon tank or larger; many owners of adult female turtles such as sliders end up using stock tanks for indoor or outdoor mini ponds.

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Q: What do you do when your Turtle gets too big for your tank?
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What do you do when your turtle gets too big for your tank and you have the biggest tank available?

put it in your backyard or a pond

Can your 5 inched turtle get stressed out in a gallon tank?

A 5 inch sized turtle is too big for a gallon sized tank. They need more room to swim and the filtration needs more water than that for a turtle that size. I have a 5 inch male red eared slider in a 29 gallon aquarium and I consider that to be the smallest tank I would recommend.

Can you put sand in your turtle tank?

Yes. Not too much thought ;)

Can you put another pet in a turtle tank?

you can put fish in the tank but you can also put frogs in it too!

Can a red eared slider live in a 30 gallon tank?

Yes, the more room a turtle has, the more happy it will and it will live longer. Make sure the water is clean and it has plants and big rocks!

How big of a tank do baby red eared slider turtles need?

A baby red-eared slider does not need a big tank. However, turtles grow fairly quickly, so, if you buy a tiny tank, you will have to buy a larger one when the turtle grows. So, to save money, you might want to just buy a large, adult-sized tank, and let the turtle grow into it. When I first got my red-eared slider (two and a half years ago), she was only a hatchling, about the size of a silver dollar (like, an inch and a half). At first, I got her a tiny tank (see the Related Link). When she grew too big for that, I got her a tank that was 12 inches long and 10 inches wide. Then she grew too big for that, so, now she lives in a tank that is 20 inches long and 12 inches wide.

Will your baby snapping turtle eat turtle sticks?

If you feed it to it when its really young and teach it to it should but if it gets a bit too old it will be difficult but it is possible.

How does a turtle tank look with salmonela?

-It looks like a regular tank, if your worried about the smell its most likely the ammonia. You tank will most likely contract ammonia if the tank is too small or doesn't have enough water. -Turtles naturally have salmonella with in them, so always be sure to wash your hands before and after touching your turtle and its equipment

What should you put in your painted turtles tank?

First if you have not already got a tank, go to a pet store and ask for the right size tank for your turtle. Also while you are there get at least 2 or more bags of gravel. Plus get some sand too. fill the bottom of the tank with the gravel and put a large hill goring up with the sand so your turtle can have land. put some small logs and drift wood into the tank so your turtle can hide. also put some aquatic plants in to so if you forget to feed it he/she can eat the plants. plus get a filter. then put your turtle in and he/she can enjoy the tank.

Do red eared sliders need a big cage?

for a 5 inch or smaller,i would say a 20 gallon and for 1 foots,100 gallon or bigger. the more it grows,the bigger the tank.

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Can tadpoles stay in the same tank until they reach adult?

No,because they will eventually be frogs and will grow too big for the tank