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The best advise is the advise from your vet; seeking advise online for such a personal and serious illness may not be the most helpful.

Your vet should be able to advise you on what the best course of action is regarding your cat. Medication can be given to help relieve pain and discomfort. You can try a Feliway Diffuser to help keep your cat calm (Feliway is a device that releases pheromones into the air which help calm stressed cats). Use your own judgment when it comes to your cat's wellbeing and quality of life - no-one should force you to put your cat to sleep as this is the decision only you can make. Many believe their pets "tell" their owners when it is time.

For the time being, if you believe your cat has some quality of life left, then enjoy your cat and give him or her the very best life you can while he/she is still with you.

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Q: What do you do when your cat has mouth cancer and is dying?
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