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I will try to get the higher authority to find out her problem

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Q: What do you do when your friend becomes distant depressed and refuses to talk to anyone and her best friend and spends her lunchtimes alone and isolated?
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What is the closest synonym for the word remote?

Back, insular, isolated, lonely, lonesome, obscure, outlying, out-of-the-way, removed, secluded, solitary.

What does it mean to look forlorn?

to be forlorn is to be distant slightly depressed or just a little out of it , if i found out that i had to stop smoking weed i would be forlorn

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when he becomes distant and starts to look at other women

How do anthropologist help us learn about distant past?

Anthropologists can help us learn about the distant past in a variety of ways. For example, by conducting studies of isolated tribes who still live like our ancestors did in many ways.

Why does my boyfriend become distant?

He probably becomes distant because he is scared of his own feelings. As soon as you pull back or act like you don't care, he'll be back to normal.

What are the isolated countries?

Isolated countries are those that are geographically distant or have limited interaction with other nations. Examples include North Korea, Turkmenistan, and Bhutan, which have strict control over their borders and limited diplomatic relations with the international community.

What is the word for a person that is never happy?

If the person seems never happy and beyond the norm of mellow the term depressed seems possible Are the eyes either downcast or seemingly in a distant. discontented

This pacific island is one of the most isolated in the world around 1200 years ago seafarers from a distant culture landed upon its shores over the centuries that followed a remarkable society dev?

Easter island is the Pacific island that is one of the most isolated islands in the world. Easter Island is has a population of about 5,761 people.

What is the difference between the words remote and isolated?

"Remote" typically refers to being far away from major centers or densely populated areas, while "isolated" suggests being cut off or separated from others, without access to support or resources. Remote locations can still be connected and have services, while isolated places may be more secluded and lacking in connectivity.

How do you become nearsited?

One becomes nearsited when their eyeball is elongated, or when one's lens has a hard time getting flat enough to see distant objects.

Why was Great Zimbabwe least affected by Islam?

Assuming the "least affected" is referring to Pre-Colonial African Civilizations, Great Zimbabwe was least affected because it is most distant from Islamic North Africa and relatively isolated from Muslims on the East African Coast.