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You have to make the egg grow loads(to mature 100%), and you get a really(x3) great prize if you complete it. Your goal is to fully mature it, by getting friends to log on(which are on your friends list), getting- mother/father/siblings/cousins/friends to join on howrse. Hope this helps ;)

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13y ago
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13y ago

The eggs were a limited promotion that ended on July 6 2010. They are no longer available.

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How do you get a egg on Howrse?

The competition to hatch the egg ended on July 6th, as it was always going to. You cannot get one anymore.

How can you tell if your egg is one of the first 500 on howrse?

It'll tell you automatically.

Where can you find the blue egg on howrse?

you look around the website. click every thing

What is inside a Howrse egg and is it worth it?

Inside the egg is a special type of horse that is a Pegasus. I cant remember what it is called. Add me as a friend im iceyice486

What are some good freebie sites?

Poptropica, Chicken smoothie, Howrse, and those dragon egg sites.

How do you find all the Easter eggs in the egg hunt on howrse?

Just by going places on howrse the are just random UFOs there is ni set place the are just anywhere. I found one taking care of a horse.i usually find them on my homepage but be carefull the Easter egg might rot

What does the egg on Howrse hatch into?

I am pretty sure you will get a rare coat or a rare horse or a rare blackmarket items or passes.

What's a fake Howrse?

A Fake Howrse is a Fixed page of a Howrse.

Egg on Howrse disappeared?

It was a temporary competition that was always going to end on the 6th of July, as was stated on the news page, in the events forum and on the eggs individual page. Your egg didn't disappear - it was removed because it wasn't hatched in the allocated time.

How do you get a diamond on Howrse?

its not on howrse anymore, sorry

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There are no martingales on Howrse.

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there are no monkeys on howrse...