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Usually when I dispose of a good sized bee hive, I like to put some water on boil and toss the hive in there. Once the hive has melted into a chunky, honey-coated stew, I like to sprinkle a bit of sugar and some butter, to enhance the flavor. Then, just serve and enjoy. Usually a good sized hive is big enough to feed a family of 3.

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Q: What do you do with a hive after you kill the bees?
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Why do bees kill other bees?

Bees kill other bees to protect the hive or to steal honey from other hives through a hole in the hive.

Does the BugZapper have to be in the way of the hive access or does its blue light actually attract bees?

Why kill the bees?! Find a way to relocate the hive. Bees are needed for pollination of trees, plants, flowers.

Do bees eat insects?

no. bees are vegeterien but they would attack and kill other insects in defence of the queen and the hive

Does harvesting honey kill the bees?

No. The beekeeper moves the bees to another part of the hive before he/she removes the honey.

How would you be able to kill the bees if there is no possible way of accessing the hive?

shoot it with a sling shot, and why would want to kill bees, they dont hurt you.

Can or cannot bees within one hive comunicate with bees from another?

Bees in one hive typically do not communicate with bees from another since they usually will not allow bees from another hive to enter their own hive.

Who builds a bees hive?


How do you locate a nest and want to kill the bees?

I don't know how to locate the hive, but bug spray helps.


A hive is a home in which bees are kept.

Why are bees hive hexaonal?

A bee hive isn't hexagonal. The cells that bees make from wax inside a bee hive are hexagonal and the bees use these cells to raise young bees and to store honey and pollen.

What is collective noun for hive?

The noun 'hive' is a collective noun for a hive of bees and a hive of oysters.

What is the collective nouns for hive?

The noun 'hive' is a collective noun for a hive of bees and a hive of oysters.