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It is still drinkable. It just lost its fizz.

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Q: What do you do with flat coke?
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WhY do people like coke better than sams coke?

Because Sams coke is sweeter than regular coke and Sams coke taste flat!

Which soft drink goes flat the fastest?

Coke drink goes flat the fastest

Since you have changed the cap on the Diet Coke bottle to the easy open I have had flat coke at least twice in the past month and since I have been drinking Coke for at least fifty years I am upse?

yes because the pressure is releasing faster to make the coke seem flat

Does Diet Coke go flat after doing the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment?

Yes, it does; however, it is still drinkable.

What kind of drinks have nutritional value for an athlete?

flat coke is good for running

Are sodas coke etc good after a year?

yes but it might be a little flat

Does a bottle of coke go flat faster standing up or lying on its side?

It will go flat if you sit up because you will get gas.

Is cold coke good for tummy bugs?

letting coke go flat settles upset stomachs- just put sugar in it and stir well.

Does a 2 liter coke go flat stored in a warm place after refrigeration?


What is the pH level of flat coke?

It is slightly acidic because contain phosphoric acid.

Does the combination of coke and pork meat have an affect?

it is acid reactions that eat the meat up. if you were to put it in a bowl of coke it would be gone in 2 days flat.

Is flat Diet Coke that has lost all of its bubbles an example of a homogeneous mixture?

Heterogeneous mixture