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You take it to the B.A.D control center.

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Q: What do you do with the bistro's fingerprint on poptropica?
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What is the fingerprint for in Poptropica?

To get in the sadlelite.

How do you get a fingerprint reader in poptropica?

You dont

How do you get rid of the glass with the fingerprint in poptropica?

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What do you use the cup on spyisland in poptropica for?

The fingerprint....You use it to get in the BAD HQ.

Where is the fingerprint scanner on the bad control center on spy island on poptropica?

In the final building when you are reprogramming the computers. you use the fingerprint to get into the building.

What do you do when your on the bad control building on popTropica?

YOU find the door and click on it B.A.D. boss FINGERPRINT YOU find the door and click on it B.A.D. boss FINGERPRINT

What are the number in order to get to the inventor in gameshow island in poptropica?

When you're wearing thermal goggles then press the keys in this order: blue fingerprint, green fingerprint, yellow fingerprint, and then red fingerprint. I think the number is 2014, I'm not sure.

What is the password in the computer after you save the girl from the cage in spy island in poptropica?


What do you use the fingerprint for on poptropica?

you use it to get past the lazers in the BAD head quarters

Why do you need a glass on poptropica?

Because you need the fingerprint to access the B.A.D control center.

How do you get a water for the chief of bad on spy island in the game poptropica?

you don't have to. you just need the fingerprint.