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you take the keycard, along with your key, and go to the inspector's place in the countryside. In there, the black widow will be waiting for you, so then you go and jump to the top of the platforms and use the keycard to go through and catch her!

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Q: What do you do with the key card you got from the thief on counterfeit island?
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You accidentally got a balloon on counterfeit island how do you get rid of it?

If you accidentally got a balloon an Counterfeit island all you have to do is click it and the balloon will pop!!!!!!!!!!

What do you do after the thief gets away on a boat on counterfeit island and after you get back from early poptropica island on poptropica?

go to the far side of counterfeit. on your way, the artist will say something strange about the investigator. continue to her house. use the key you got for the courator. go up to the bedroom and look closely at the painting.

How do you get out of the supply room on counterfeit island?

The same way you got in to get the picture piece : use your key.

How do you get to the thief at counterfeit island?

To catch the thief on counterfeit island you need to click on "The Scream" and it will make you hang on the light above it. The police walk in and think you were the thief and you are put in jail and you need to answer some questions. They will let you go and you have to find the missing police officer. (He is in the clown shop.)Then you will get a package that tells you to go to Early Poptropica Island to the Pop Art Museum. The lady will give you a key. You get into the house on the Country Side. Use the key to get in and go upstairs and peel the painting and that's where the scream is. The black widow will beat you up and then she will tie you to a chair with the mysterious guy. He will untie you and you go get a balloon and make sure a security person doesnt find you. If you got the key card at the docks use that to get in. The black widow will drop art and then you need to catch it and when she gets mad, lure the guy up until he reaches her and attacks her. You win!!

What are the cheats for Counterfeit Island?

Poptropica cheats. org got me through all of the islands I've done so far

Which island in poptropica will you find a ponytail?

In counterfeit. There is a lady with black hair, a ponytail and should be in the museum. I have a ponytail on my character but I got the ponytail in a common room.

What is a sentence with thief in it?

The thief got away. The thief was caught.

Who is the shady guy on poptropica counterfeit island?

he is the black widow's right hand man but he got betrayed so now hes your fiend

Where is the thief in Counterfeit Island?

you know how everybody is telling you to ask the people who are more on the street or the mimes well ask the mimes if they have seen the guy and shoe them the picture and they wont talk but they will start snapping their fingers and nodding their head and it took me awhile to figure it out and then i got it the jazz place so he would be near the stage

What happens to the shady guy on Counterfeit Island?

The shady guy on Counterfeit Island gets caught by the police and arrested for his criminal activities, specifically counterfeiting art. He is then taken away to face justice for his crimes.

Where are all the pieces to the picture on counterfeit island in poptropica?

there is a full peic of it in the musuiiem.and one in the tour to the asome place.i got mine in the tour. hop it helps.

RuneScape how can you be a thief?

Only members can do the skill thief or thieving you can buy a membership card at most supermarket stores like target that's how I got mine. I would start off with citizens men or women are first.