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Q: What do you feel Disney is doing with the Star Wars franchise?
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Did Disney buy the Star Wars francise?

Yes, Disney bought Lucasfilm. This include Star Wars.

Does Lucas still own Star Wars franchise?

Well, yeah, since he created Star Wars and is the owner of Lucasfilms that made the films possible

Is Star Wars Japanese?

No , the Star Wars franchise is an American production .

Is the enterprise in Star Wars?

No. Not at all. Star Trek is a COMPLETELY different franchise than star wars

Where does the title Star Wars come from?

It most likely come from the fact that the Star Wars franchise includes many battles in space, or "star wars."

Is there another Star Wars?

There might, due to disney buying out the Star-Wars trilogy.

Were clone troopers good guys in Star Wars?

The clone troopers are neither good nor bad, in the Star Wars franchise. While, they did bad things they were following their commanders orders and were not doing them out of evil intent..

Did Disney create Star Wars?

Yes, because if you look at the force awakens there is a giant planet-destroying super laser and in the New Hope there is also a giant planet-destroying super laser and then in the Last Jedi there is a battle on a planet involving AT-ATs where the good guys are forced to flee, this is also seen in the empire strikes back. And don’t get me started on the rise of skywalker there is a giant space battle where the main bad guy turns good, the bad guys lose and Palatine dies as seen in the Return of Jedi.

Where are the Disney Star Wars Weekends?

They are at the Disney World Resort in Florida

Will there be a Star Wars the 7?

Possably, due to disney buying out the Star-Wars trilogy rights.

Will they make star wars force unleashed 3?

Highly unlikely, for when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars from George Lucas and released the TV series "Star Wars Rebels," "The Force Unleashed" franchise is now no longer considered part of the official timeline, or canon. The Force Unleashed was originally meant to explain how the Rebellion began, but now the series by Disney has replaced that

Who is making Star Wars battlefront 3?

Star Wars Battlefront [DICE] A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 3 is being made by DICE who are the creaters of the Battlefield franchise.