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When your 1 to 3 weeks pregnant you may or may not feel anything. You just may feel sleepy or nauseated. Some people do not feel anything at all. Cravings may start till the 2nd month. Nausea and sleepiness starts right away.

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Q: What do you feel when 1-3 weeks pregnant?
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Can you feel movement at 13 weeks pregnant?

I am 13 weeks pregnant also. This is my second pregnancy, and I felt my daughter (1st Pregnancy) at 13 weeks. This baby, I felt around 10, so yes, it's possible. Usually most mom's will feel their babies for the first time around 16 weeks or so....but if you can tell that it's NOT gas, then yes, it's your baby.It's usually felt extremely low, and will feel like tiny bumps (Not a full kick or anything) and I'll explain to you what it felt like to know when your eye twitches? That's sort of what it feels like in your lower abdomen.Hope this helps.

4 weeks pregnant feel bloated?

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