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Their ability to derive nutrition from inorganic compounds (Ex. bacteria thriving near deep sea vents spewing sulfur).

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Q: What do you find most surprising about microorganisms living in extreme conditions?
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What is the importance of studying living microorganisms?

There is great importance in studying living microorganisms. These microorganisms are responsible for your health and your digestion for example.

A general term for microscopic forms of life capable of living under extreme conditions?

A virus

What are the living conditions like in Antarctica?

I do not know. ////dreadful it is extremely hostile territory the cold is extreme

Why in unfavourable conditions all living beings can die but microorganisms cannot?

micro organisms form spores called as endospores which protect them from all unfavourable condition

Are microorganisms important in the living world?


Are amino acids microorganisms?

An amino acid is just a molecule that is a building block of proteins. They are not living and they aren't microorganisms.

Why does it help to have some microorganisms living in the pond?

It helps because microorganisms are small so it will be easier to see in water

What describes an extreme environment where Archaebacteria might live?

Archaea which are a special bacterial group in microbial world which are famous for survival in extreme conditions like high salt, high acid, extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme pressure etc, for which they even known as extremophiles. And they are named after their environmentic conditions like thermophiles for living in high heat, halophiles living in high salt concentration, acidophiles in acidic conditions, alkalophiles in alkaline conditions they are the only group of microbes which have high survival capacity in condition and in any environment and now a days scientist are also believing that even they can be found on other planets of our solar system.beside all of these they also have lot of industrial and experimental uses.

How do microorganisms affect jam?

There is no microorganisms/bacteria living/growing in jam because it is so sweet and the sugar dehytrates the microorganisms so they can no longer live in the jam. So the answer is no, no microorganisms live in jam.

Is microorganisms in your bathwater?

yes, microorganisms are small living creatures which we need to have micro-scopes and then we have to enlarge it 300 times to see the small living creatures there is micro-organism in water and food(yeast)

What do microorganisms do when living on or inside a larger organism's body?

All of the answer choices.

What Microorganisms commonly found living in or on a human?

normal flora