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Gifts should be something that you know the other person likes. What does this young man like? If you don't know, you should ask his parents what would be a good present because they know him better.

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His neurology has no relation to what you should buy him for your birthday - you wouldn't ask what to buy a neurotypical person, so why ask what to buy an Autistic person? You buy him whatever he would like or be interested in, just as you would with anyone else. Often Autistic people can have 'special interests', that is interests which are very intense, if he has such an interest then buy him something relating to that.

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Q: What do you get a young man with autism who cannot read for his birthday?
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The child will not get autism from an MMR vaccination. Countries with different vaccination ingredients or different vaccination schedules have increasing rates of autism, too. Research indicates that the MMR vaccination does not cause autism. Videos and descriptions of the children thought to have had autism triggered by the thimerosal-containing MMR vaccines show that they had symptoms of autism prior to the vaccination. Autism is a genetic condition that, in most cases, is assumed to have an environmental trigger in the womb or early infancy. There is the possibility that a very small portion of the people with autism have the condition triggered by a vaccination, but that number is statistically insignificant, so it is too small to be detected in scientific studies. But there is that possibility with other events, too, such as feeding your baby processed baby food or breastfeeding for less than 2 years or eating peanuts while pregnant or any other events that are not associated with autism. Hypothetically, if a child were to have autism triggered by a vaccination, it could be because of the ingredients of the vaccination, the child's stress at receiving a vaccination, the body's immune response being triggered, or some other factor involved in the process of getting a vaccination. Another potential cause for concern is the fact that human DNA is in some of the MMR vaccines. It has not been scientifically proven nor disproven but the dates match up according to what I've read. I would love to know where autism is on the rise and vaccines are not available as someone wrote previously. I wasn't aware of that.

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Nobody has read every book on earth, so your question cannot be answered. (My guess is that you are quite young, and have read fewer books than the average.)

When was The Wind Cannot Read created?

The Wind Cannot Read was created in 1958.

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A pen can write but it cannot read. Your question didn't say " cannot be read "

Is there currently research being done with autism using animals?

There is currently no known research on autistic animals. Interesting someone would ask this. The latest medical research on autism leans towards an environmental cause. The medical community is just now beginning to realize that autism, diabetes, parkinson's and alzheimer's are probably related. Research on autism... Please search this site for the question, "Can diabetes be caused by gasoline in drinking water"? That answer pertains to autism as well! You will know the truth when you read it, just read it, and you will KNOW! This author predicts that statistical analysis, NOT medical research, will determine the cause!

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The duration of The Wind Cannot Read is 1.92 hours.

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