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If you add the number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus, you get the number of nucleons. This is usually a good approximation to the Atomic Mass in amu, since both protons and neutrons have a mass that's pretty close to one amu. The number will be slightly off, because electrons contribute as well, protons and neutrons don't have exactly the same mass, and there's something called the atomic mass defect that has to do with the binding energy of the nucleus, but it should be fairly close.

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9y ago
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11y ago

The mass number (similar to the atomic mass and not to be confused with atomic number)

When the number of protons and neutrons is added the result will be its atomic mass or mass number.

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2d ago

If you add one neutron to a hydrogen nucleus, it becomes a deuterium nucleus. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron in its nucleus.

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16y ago

The number of protons and neutrons combined is the atomic mass. The electrons are not included in this equation because they have very little mass.

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13y ago

Protons and neutrons added together form an atomic nucleus.

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7y ago

The sum of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus is the mass number.

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14y ago

the short answer is atomic mass.

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11y ago

This would be an isotope.

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Q: What do you get if you add one neutron to a hydrogen nucleus?
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What is found in the nucleus of all elements except for hydrogen?

A neutron, although this is not always the case as there are hydrogen atoms with neutrons, but hydrogen atoms are the only one which are able to not have a neutron.

What is an example of an atom without a neutron?

The only element that does not have a neutron in its nucleus is hydrogen-1, which consists of one proton and one electron.

How do the isotopes hydrogen 1 and hydrogen 2 differ?

The basic difference is a neutron. Most hydrogen has a single proton for a nucleus. Hydrogen-2 has a neutron stuck to the proton, and hydrogen-3 has two neutrons stuck to the proton. Hydrogen-3 is a rare and highly unstable form of the first element.

What elements is hydrigen made of?

Hydrogen is made up of one proton in its nucleus, and typically one electron orbiting it. This simplest and lightest element is also the most abundant in the universe.

How many protons are in the H nucleus?

Hydrogen has just one proton. If the nucleus also has a neutron, the isotope is called Deuterium.

What form of hydrogen has 1 proton and one neutron in its nucleus?

Deuterium is the form of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron in its nucleus. It is a stable isotope of hydrogen and is commonly used in nuclear reactions and as a tracer in chemical reactions.

The nucleus of deuteron has?

One Proton and one Neutron. It's also called Heavy Hydrogen and has one Electron

Which element have no neutrons in its atom?

The most common isotope of Hydrogen lacks a neutron in its nucleus. But there is an isotope, called deuterium, that has one neutron. Additionally, there is a hydrogen isotope that is artificially created that has two neutrons in its nucleus. It is called tritium. A link to the Wikipedia article on the isotopes of hydrogen is provided.

Difference between deuterium and tritium?

Deuterium is a stable isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron, while tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons. Deuterium is commonly used in heavy water reactors, while tritium is used in nuclear weapons and experimental fusion reactors.

How is hydrogen in heavy water different from hydrogen in normal water?

Type your answer here... The hydrogen atoms in heavy water have a neutron in the nucleus, doubling the mass.

Are hydrogen-3 and helium-3 isotopes of the same element?

Yes, both hydrogen-3 (tritium) and helium-3 are isotopes of hydrogen. Hydrogen-3 has one proton and two neutrons, while helium-3 has two protons and one neutron.

Where are neutron electron protons located?

Neutons, located in the nucleus. Protons, also located the the nucleus but Elecrons, there is further study.