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Q: What do you get when you put gas and fire together?
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What gas will put out a fire?

Any gas will put out a fire except for oxygen or an oxidant.

How would you safely put out a fire in a science lab?

I would put out fire safely in a science lab by spreading Carbon di oxide gas on the fire

What gas is used to put fires?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the gas often used to put out fires, especially in fire extinguishers.

What happens when you put heat and gas together?

You get an explosion.

When gas and fire come together what makes the explosion?

An explosion is caused by fuel burning very rapidly. The products of combustion expand rapidly and with extreme force, and the result is what we call an explosion. So...if you put gasoline on a fire and it explodes, as it will, the explosion was caused by the fire.

What is the result if I put a water balloon over fire?

Rubber Gas

What can put out a fire rathe than water or extinguisher?

The gas extinguisher that is filled with carbon dioxide and one that is filled with foam can help put out a fire.

How is gas made from?

gas and fire fire is made for gas gas is the name of the fire

How do you identify gas in a tube?

Light a wooden splint and dip it in the gas. If it is Carbon Dioxide, it will put the fire on the end out.

How do you get a flower dragon without gems?

put a fire and grass dragon together

What would happen if you put poop and fire together?

Dried poop burn.

How do you put a Bunsen burner out?

If you turn off the gas, there is no fuel for the fire, so it goes out.