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I don't. :) Some people don't like gay people because they are mean or because it's against the Bible.

Sorry that many people do, many people who are christians shouldn't hate you just the sin that is taking place. Because it is considered sin in The Bible, they need to learn to sperate themselves from this. but I hope you find some peace with God and with people. The Lord Bless you and Keep you.

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10y ago

There are many reasons. Some of these might apply to you.

  • Because you have been taught to.
  • Because you don't know any gay people.
  • Because your friends and acquaintances who are gay are still keeping it a secret.
  • Because you are frightened of things you don't understand.
  • Because you believe misguided and malevolent church leaders who have an agenda of hatred.
  • Because there are feelings inside you that you can't face up to that suggest you might have same-sex feelings yourself.
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14y ago

Becaws gay guys are gay thas whay

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Q: Why do you hate gay people so much?
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Why do gay people get all the hate?

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Why do so many people hate gay guys?

Because they think it's unnatural.

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It's a vicious circle: Ignorance leads to Fear, which leads to Hatred, which leads to Ignorance. That's why it's so important for us to come out. When you know someone who's gay, lesbian or bisexual, you're not so ignorant. And it's harder to fear or hate someone you know, especially if they're a friend.

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How come people call people they like or don't know gay?

people who are afraid of gay people, or who just hate gay people, think it's bad to be gay. So they use the word "gay" as an insult, when it's really just part of human nature. Some of these hateful people are actually gay themselves, but can't bring themselves to admit it.

Does diggy simmons hate gay people?

As a young african american male living in an extremely homophobic culture diggy cannot openly embrace his own true sexuality which is that of a young gay male,so no he does not hate gay people although he may distance himself from that for fear of being exposed.

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Can a boy who hates gay stuff still be gay?

Can an ant that hates ants still be an ant? How about an old person who hates the elderly? Of course, but it's a sad day when we define ourselves by what we hate, rather than what we embrace.A:Yes, people have always and will always be gay it is the way Jesus intended us to be. A:Yes of course, all you are doing is keeping the images and thoughts of homosexuality in your head by always saying you hate it. A:Yes. Many males have been taught while growing up to hate homosexuality and so have grown up hating homosexuality. This can lead to situations where a boy or a man is gay, but hates homosexuality and homosexuals. The key is to be true to yourself and to not allow yourself to judge other people. We are all human and we all deserve respect, even from ourselves. A:I think so because people are born gay. A:I think you're awesome that you said that and ya because I'm gay and i hate naked men and gay sex and I'm still gay! So what you are saying is that you hate gays and gay stuff right? Well the answers says that yes it does mean you are gay, so you asked if you were gay? And I am fine with gay people seeing how I am one myself.(Note)You shouldn't hate people for being gay especially if you are gay. You need to start by loving yourself and forgiving yourself for being gay. You did not choose to be gay. It is nobody's fault that you are gay. Allow yourself to accept that gay people have just as much right to be here as straight people. Whatever you have been taught about gay's in your life was wrong if you hate them. A child can be given these feelings of hate by the people around them, their parents, their peers. Try and see it from this point of view and hopefully you will change your mind about Gays. If you can't or won't you will end up lonely and sad. You will not experience the warmth and love of somebody close to you. Everyone has a right to love and be loved. Please don't throw it away. It's your choice !

What is it called when you're gay but say you hate gay people Or basically when you have a certain behavior but deny that behavior so you project your hate towards those who also have that behavior?

It is known as internalized homophobia. This occurs when individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ have negative feelings towards themselves due to society's prejudice, which leads them to project this self-hatred onto others within the LGBTQ+ community.

Why do you hate WikiAnswers so much?

I don't hate it but people hate WikiAnswers because its not great to use as a source on a bibliography for an assignment.