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The Maranao people, or Maranaw people, are people from the predominately Muslim region of the Philippines, Lanao.

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6mo ago

The Maranaws are an indigenous group in the Philippines who primarily reside in the province of Lanao del Sur. They have a rich cultural heritage and are known for their intricate artwork, particularly in weaving and metalworking. Traditional Maranaw society is organized around clans and is deeply influenced by Islamic customs and traditions.

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What you know about Maranaws?

The Maranaws are the largest Moro and cultural minority in the Philippines, numbering more than 840,000 in the late 20th century

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what else do you want to know about them maranaws

What do you knows about maranaws?

The Maranaws are the largest Moro and cultural minority in the Philippines, numbering more than 840,000 in the late 20th century

What you know about maranaw?

The Maranaws are the largest Moro and cultural minority in the Philippines, numbering more than 840,000 in the late 20th century

What do you know the maranaws?

That is a term often used for the Maranao people of Mindanao in the Philippines. See the Related Link listed below for more information:

What you want to know in maranaws?

the maranaw they came Mindanao's from lanao del norte and they are Muslim

What do you know about the Maranao?

the maranaws live in mindanaomaranao have colorfull dresses