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Curley's wife aspired to me an actress, and she seems to think she could have done well in the field. However, she suspects her mother had tried to keep her from the limelight, having thrown away the correspondence inviting her to Hollywood.

What is important, though, is not that she was actually talented. The important part to note is that she COULDN'T have been successful because "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

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Before meeting Curley, Curley's wife aspired to be an actress, but her dreams were shattered when a man promised to help her with her career but never followed through. She ended up marrying Curley out of loneliness and a desire for social status, which ultimately left her feeling trapped and unfulfilled.

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What is curleys relationship with his wife?

there relationship is very negative, loveless, pointless and trust less. They don't love eachother, they don't trust one another so there is no point in them being married But, curleys wife only married curley for the crack, to have a better life and for the money. She was easily lead into a happy life marrying him, as it was the great depression and times were hard. There was a bit of money in curley's family as his dad is the boss in the ranch he works at

Why does curleys wife rush to marry curley?

Curley's wife rushes to marry Curley because she is lonely and seeking attention on the isolated ranch. She believes marriage will offer her a way out of the stifling environment and provide her with companionship. Additionally, it is suggested that her relationship with Curley may have been motivated by a desire to rebel against her family or pursue a life different from her past.

How have curleys wife's dream for her life changed or been lost?

Curley's wife dreamt of becoming an actress, but her aspirations were dashed when she married Curley and moved to the ranch. Her dream was lost due to societal constraints, lack of support, and feelings of isolation on the ranch. She feels trapped in her marriage and longs for a different life.

Why did curleys wife marry curley in of mice and men?

Curley's wife married Curley because she was lonely and seeking attention. She viewed marrying Curley as a way to escape her dreary life on the ranch and find companionship, even though their relationship was ultimately unhappy and lacking in true connection.

Why did Curleys wife marry Curley?

Curley's wife married Curley because she wanted to escape her unsatisfying home life and seek attention and companionship. She saw Curley as her ticket to a more exciting and adventurous life, despite the consequences of his controlling and violent behavior.

What does curleys wife yell at Lennie?

Curley's wife yells at Lennie for ruining her chance of being in the movies and for making her lonely on the ranch. She accuses him of being responsible for her unhappiness and complains about her life and her marriage to Curley.

What did curleys wife have a chance to be?

Curley's wife, in Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men," had the potential to be a successful actress or entertainer. However, societal norms, her lack of support, and her loneliness confined her to a life of discontent as the lonely wife of a ranch worker.

Why is curleys wife disappointed in mice and men?

Curley's wife is disappointed in her life because she feels lonely and unfulfilled. She had dreams of becoming an actress, but those dreams were never realized. Her marriage to Curley leaves her feeling isolated and trapped on the ranch, leading to her seeking companionship and attention from the other men, which only adds to her feeling of disappointment.

How do you describe curleys wife?

Curley's wife is a character in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men." She is depicted as lonely, attention-seeking, and trapped in a loveless marriage. Throughout the story, she yearns for companionship and dreams of a better life, but ultimately meets a tragic end.

What information did Steinbeck give about Curley's wife before she died?

Steinbeck portrays Curley's wife as a lonely and somewhat manipulative character, seeking attention from the men on the ranch due to her unhappy marriage with Curley. She dreams of a better life and regrets her missed opportunities, ultimately leading to her tragic demise.

What does curley's wife admit about what she thinks about curley?

Curley's wife admits to Lennie that she dislikes Curley, finding him mean and unpleasant. She reveals that she only married him because she thought she could escape her lonely life by becoming the wife of the boss's son.