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Q: What do you mean by basicity of slag?
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Effect of basicity on bf slag fluidity?

if basicity increases,fluidity decreases

What is slag optimization?

Slag purifies and removes unwanted materials from metal. Optimization is the application of foams and other agents to enable a higher quality and stabilized slag to produce a higher quality metal product. Efforts are made to achieve an optimum slag viscosity by the fixation of basicity and temperature.

What do you mean by basicity of an acid?

The number of replacable hydrogen in an acid is termed as its basicity. eg. HCl is monobasic, H2SO4 is dibasic

WHAT DOES slag you off mean?

"Slag you off" is a British English term that means to criticize or speak negatively about someone behind their back. It is a derogatory phrase often used in informal language.

What is the basicity of EDTA?

the basicity of EDTA is 4

What slag mean?

a defination of someone that sleeps around.

How do you determine basicity?

Measuring the pH it is possible to evaluate the basicity of a solution.

Does an oaf mean a slag?

Oaf usually means a fool

Does wag mean slag?

No, "wag" and "slag" are different terms with different meanings. "Wag" often refers to the action a dog makes with its tail, or it can be a slang term for skipping school or work. "Slag" is a derogatory term for a promiscuous person, especially a woman.

What is the basicity of sulphuric acid?

I think , the basicity of sulphuric acid is 1.

How do you calculate basicity?

Basicity is the opposite property of acidity. It can be calculated by using a litmus paper and a pH scale.

What does pH mean in pool testing?

pH measures the level of acidity or basicity in the water. Should be 7.2-7.8