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Genetic expression is different. If the expression is same it said Homozygous.

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Heterozygous refers to an individual having two different alleles for a particular gene. In heterozygous individuals, one allele is dominant and the other is recessive, and the dominant allele typically determines the organism's phenotype.

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What is genotype what terms describe genotype?

Genotype refers to an organism's complete set of genetic material inherited from its parents. Terms that describe genotype include genetic makeup, genetic code, and DNA sequence.

How you identify loci is homozygous or hetrozygous?

To identify if a locus is homozygous or heterozygous, you would need to examine the alleles present at that particular locus. If both alleles are the same, then it is homozygous. If the alleles are different, then it is heterozygous. This can be determined through techniques like DNA sequencing or PCR.

What happens when a single gene has two alleles?

Two alleles represent a gene. ETC- The paternal (fathers) allele is B (for brown eyes) The mothers (maternal) is b ( for blue eyes) The capital B is the dominant allele, lowercase b is recessive. Therefore, a punnet square will show the offspring can be either hetrozygous or homozygous (recessive or dominant) Alleles represent the charactersitic, while a gene is a segment of DNA where heredity is based.

What do homozomes and heterozygous mean?

In genetics, you have certain traits that give you certain features. You get one part from each parent. You may have a dad with brown eyes and a mom with blue. Your dad maybe BB or Bb, and your mom bb. Like in eye color, there's brown, blue, hazel, and other colored eyes. Brown eyes is a dominant trait. So it is homozygous dominant or heterozygous (homozygous dominant = BB, heterozygous = Bb). Blue eyes are a recessive trait (homozygous recessive = bb). So, homozygous are carrying one single part of the trait, and heterozygous is carring a part of both traits.

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Related questions

What is homozygous and what is hetrozygous?

Homozygous: genes are similar Hetrozygous: genes are not similar

What is the opposite of hetrozygous?


A hetrozygous genotype is when the alleles present are?

Different, such as Bb.

Organism that carries two different alleles for one trait?


What the relationship between homozygous and heterozygous?

What is thediffernece between homozygous and hetrozygous? Homozygous is a gene combination involving two of the same type of allels. AA,hh) hetrozygous is a gene combination involving two different types of alleles (e.g. Hh, Rr)

What is the genotype of a hetrozygous tall plant?

If gene T is responsible for tallness in a plant, then Tt will be genotype of a heterozygous tall plant.

Can 0 positive mother and father have a baby who is A plus?

No. they can have only O-group babies. Reason seems to be obvious as neither of them have any A antigen either in homzygouas or hetrozygous forms

What is genotype what terms describe genotype?

Genotype refers to an organism's complete set of genetic material inherited from its parents. Terms that describe genotype include genetic makeup, genetic code, and DNA sequence.

How you identify loci is homozygous or hetrozygous?

To identify if a locus is homozygous or heterozygous, you would need to examine the alleles present at that particular locus. If both alleles are the same, then it is homozygous. If the alleles are different, then it is heterozygous. This can be determined through techniques like DNA sequencing or PCR.

What does physical appearance mean?

Physical appearance refers to the outward appearance of an individual, including features such as height, weight, hair color, facial structure, and body shape. It is how someone looks to others on a surface level.

Any hybrid organism is A.recessive B.purebred C.heterozygous D.homozygous D.?

C. heterozygous. Hybrid organisms are the result of crossing two different purebred parents, which leads to a mix of their genetic traits in the offspring. This results in the organism being heterozygous for many traits.

Using letters how would you represent a plant tgat had hetrozygous tall?

If a plant is heterozygous tall you would use letters such as "T" for "tall" or "t" for short. If a plant is heterozygous tall it means that the "T" is the dominant gene but the plant carries both a dominant and recessive gene, represented by "Tt".